
"Become a Tube star and get millions of subscribers in Tube Clicker!. Tube is the next platform where normal people can become famous by creating their own content and uploading it. In Tube Clicker, create and manage your own Tube channel! Use advertising tools to reach millions of views and see your subscribers growing and become famous on the Internet."


Tube Clicker is, as you've probably guessed from the screen shots and the title, an idle clicker game. You start off as a lowly Youtuber with no views and no subscribers. Click the Play button on your own video, and the counters start going up. Earn a little money and you can buy yourself some Automatic Views. Earn a bit more and you can buy adverts on Facenote. Each of these apps can be upgraded, earning you even more Views per Second.


Every so often you can upload a new video for a huge injection of views, and when your subscriber counts to to certain limits you unlock new apps as well. You either love idle clicker games, or you hate them, but for me this one had just the right amount of upgrades and interest to force me to keep it running, and coming back to it now and again to upgrade things. And hey, who doesn't like the idea of earning $32,000 per second? :)

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