These archived docs are for Phaser 2.4.6 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser. Tween

new Tween(target, game, manager)

A Tween allows you to alter one or more properties of a target object over a defined period of time. This can be used for things such as alpha fading Sprites, scaling them or motion. Use or Tween.from to set-up the tween values. You can create multiple tweens on the same object by calling multiple times on the same Tween. Additional tweens specified in this way become "child" tweens and are played through in sequence. You can use Tween.timeScale and Tween.reverse to control the playback of this Tween and all of its children.

Name Type Description
target object

The target object, such as a Phaser.Sprite or Phaser.Sprite.scale.

game Phaser.Game

Current game instance.

manager Phaser.TweenManager

The TweenManager responsible for looking after this Tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 20)

Public Properties

chainedTween : Phaser.Tween

If this Tween is chained to another this holds a reference to it.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 129)

[readonly] current : number

The current Tween child being run.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 119)

frameBased : boolean

Is this Tween frame or time based? A frame based tween will use the physics elapsed timer when updating. This means it will retain the same consistent frame rate, regardless of the speed of the device. The duration value given should be given in frames.

If the Tween uses a time based update (which is the default) then the duration is given in milliseconds. In this situation a 2000ms tween will last exactly 2 seconds, regardless of the device and how many visual updates the tween has actually been through. For very short tweens you may wish to experiment with a frame based update instead.

The default value is whatever you've set in TweenManager.frameBased.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 151)

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 25)

isPaused : boolean

Is this Tween paused or not?

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 135)

isRunning : boolean

If the tween is running this is set to true, otherwise false. Tweens that are in a delayed state or waiting to start are considered as being running.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 112)

manager : Phaser.TweenManager

Reference to the TweenManager responsible for updating this Tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 35)

onChildComplete : Phaser.Signal

The onChildComplete event is fired when the Tween or any of its children completes. Fires every time a child completes unless a child is set to repeat forever. It will be sent 2 parameters: the target object and this tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 99)

onComplete : Phaser.Signal

The onComplete event is fired when the Tween and all of its children completes. Does not fire if the Tween is set to loop or repeatAll(-1). It will be sent 2 parameters: the target object and this tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 106)

onLoop : Phaser.Signal

The onLoop event is fired if the Tween or any child tween loops. It will be sent 2 parameters: the target object and this tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 84)

onRepeat : Phaser.Signal

The onRepeat event is fired if the Tween and all of its children repeats. If this tween has no children this will never be fired. It will be sent 2 parameters: the target object and this tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 91)

onStart : Phaser.Signal

The onStart event is fired when the Tween begins. If there is a delay before the tween starts then onStart fires after the delay is finished. It will be sent 2 parameters: the target object and this tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 77)

[readonly] pendingDelete : boolean

True if this Tween is ready to be deleted by the TweenManager.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 70)

properties : Object

Target property cache used when building the child data values.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 124)

repeatCounter : number

If the Tween and any child tweens are set to repeat this contains the current repeat count.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 63)

reverse : boolean

If set to true the current tween will play in reverse. If the tween hasn't yet started this has no effect. If there are child tweens then all child tweens will play in reverse from the current point.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 49)

target : Object

The target object, such as a Phaser.Sprite or property like Phaser.Sprite.scale.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 30)

timeline : Array

An Array of TweenData objects that comprise the different parts of this Tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 40)

timeScale : number

The speed at which the tweens will run. A value of 1 means it will match the game frame rate. 0.5 will run at half the frame rate. 2 at double the frame rate, etc. If a tweens duration is 1 second but timeScale is 0.5 then it will take 2 seconds to complete.

Default Value
  • 1
Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 58)

totalDuration : Phaser.TweenData

Gets the total duration of this Tween, including all child tweens, in milliseconds.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 903)

Public Methods

chain(tweens) → {Phaser.Tween}

This method allows you to chain tweens together. Any tween chained to this tween will have its Tween.start method called as soon as this tween completes. If this tween never completes (i.e. repeatAll or loop is set) then the chain will never progress. Note that Tween.onComplete will fire when this tween completes, not when the whole chain completes. For that you should listen to onComplete on the final tween in your chain.

If you pass multiple tweens to this method they will be joined into a single long chain. For example if this is Tween A and you pass in B, C and D then B will be chained to A, C will be chained to B and D will be chained to C. Any previously chained tweens that may have been set will be overwritten.

Name Type Argument Description
tweens Phaser.Tween <repeatable>

One or more tweens that will be chained to this one.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 566)

delay(duration, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets the delay in milliseconds before this tween will start. If there are child tweens it sets the delay before the first child starts. The delay is invoked as soon as you call Tween.start. If the tween is already running this method doesn't do anything for the current active tween. If you have not yet called or Tween.from at least once then this method will do nothing, as there are no tweens to delay. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the delay across all of them.

Name Type Argument Default Description
duration number

The amount of time in ms that the Tween should wait until it begins once started is called. Set to zero to remove any active delay.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the delay on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 407)

easing(ease, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Set easing function this tween will use, i.e. Phaser.Easing.Linear.None. The ease function allows you define the rate of change. You can pass either a function such as Phaser.Easing.Circular.Out or a string such as "Circ". ".easeIn", ".easeOut" and "easeInOut" variants are all supported for all ease types. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the easing function defined here across all of them.

Name Type Argument Default Description
ease function | string

The easing function this tween will use, i.e. Phaser.Easing.Linear.None.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the easing function on all children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 503)

from(properties, duration, ease, autoStart, delay, repeat, yoyo) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets this tween to be a from tween on the properties given. A from tween sets the target to the destination value and tweens to its current value. For example a Sprite with an x coordinate of 100 tweened from x 500 would be set to x 500 and then tweened to x 100 by giving a properties object of { x: 500 }. The ease function allows you define the rate of change. You can pass either a function such as Phaser.Easing.Circular.Out or a string such as "Circ". ".easeIn", ".easeOut" and "easeInOut" variants are all supported for all ease types.

Name Type Argument Default Description
properties object

An object containing the properties you want to tween., such as Sprite.x or Sound.volume. Given as a JavaScript object.

duration number <optional>

Duration of this tween in ms. Or if Tween.frameBased is true this represents the number of frames that should elapse.

ease function | string <optional>

Easing function. If not set it will default to Phaser.Easing.Default, which is Phaser.Easing.Linear.None by default but can be over-ridden.

autoStart boolean <optional>

Set to true to allow this tween to start automatically. Otherwise call Tween.start().

delay number <optional>

Delay before this tween will start in milliseconds. Defaults to 0, no delay.

repeat number <optional>

Should the tween automatically restart once complete? If you want it to run forever set as -1. This only effects this individual tween, not any chained tweens.

yoyo boolean <optional>

A tween that yoyos will reverse itself and play backwards automatically. A yoyo'd tween doesn't fire the Tween.onComplete event, so listen for Tween.onLoop instead.


This Tween object.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 236)

generateData(frameRate, data) → {array}

This will generate an array populated with the tweened object values from start to end. It works by running the tween simulation at the given frame rate based on the values set-up in and Tween.from. It ignores delay and repeat counts and any chained tweens, but does include child tweens. Just one play through of the tween data is returned, including yoyo if set.

Name Type Argument Default Description
frameRate number <optional>

The speed in frames per second that the data should be generated at. The higher the value, the larger the array it creates.

data array <optional>

If given the generated data will be appended to this array, otherwise a new array will be returned.

array -

An array of tweened values.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 845)

interpolation(interpolation, context, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets the interpolation function the tween will use. By default it uses Phaser.Math.linearInterpolation. Also available: Phaser.Math.bezierInterpolation and Phaser.Math.catmullRomInterpolation. The interpolation function is only used if the target properties is an array. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value and it will set the interpolation function across all of them.

Name Type Argument Default Description
interpolation function

The interpolation function to use (Phaser.Math.linearInterpolation by default)

context object <optional>

The context under which the interpolation function will be run.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the interpolation function on all children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 525)

loop(value) → {Phaser.Tween}

Enables the looping of this tween and all child tweens. If this tween has no children this setting has no effect. If value is true then this is the same as setting Tween.repeatAll(-1). If value is false it is the same as setting Tween.repeatAll(0) and will reset the repeatCounter to zero.

Usage: game.add.tween(p).to({ x: 700 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true) .to({ y: 300 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None) .to({ x: 0 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None) .to({ y: 0 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None) .loop();

Name Type Argument Default Description
value boolean <optional>

If true this tween and any child tweens will loop once they reach the end. Set to false to remove an active loop.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 600)

onUpdateCallback(callback, callbackContext) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets a callback to be fired each time this tween updates.

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback to invoke each time this tween is updated. Set to null to remove an already active callback.

callbackContext object

The context in which to call the onUpdate callback.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 632)


Pauses the tween. Resume playback with Tween.resume.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 649)

repeat(total) → {Phaser.Tween}

Set how many times this tween and all of its children will repeat. A tween (A) with 3 children (B,C,D) with a repeatAll value of 2 would play as: ABCDABCD before completing. When all child tweens have completed Tween.onLoop will be dispatched.

Name Type Description
total number

How many times this tween and all children should repeat before completing. Set to zero to remove an active repeat. Set to -1 to repeat forever.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 547)

repeat(total, repeat, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets the number of times this tween will repeat. If you have not yet called or Tween.from at least once then this method will do nothing, as there are no tweens to repeat. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the number of times they'll repeat across all of them. If you wish to define how many times this Tween and all children will repeat see Tween.repeatAll.

Name Type Argument Default Description
total number

How many times a tween should repeat before completing. Set to zero to remove an active repeat. Set to -1 to repeat forever.

repeat number <optional>

This is the amount of time to pause (in ms) before the repeat will start.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the repeat value on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 424)

repeatDelay(duration, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets the delay in milliseconds before this tween will repeat itself. The repeatDelay is invoked as soon as you call Tween.start. If the tween is already running this method doesn't do anything for the current active tween. If you have not yet called or Tween.from at least once then this method will do nothing, as there are no tweens to set repeatDelay on. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the repeatDelay across all of them.

Name Type Argument Default Description
duration number

The amount of time in ms that the Tween should wait until it repeats or yoyos once start is called. Set to zero to remove any active repeatDelay.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the repeatDelay on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 446)


Resumes a paused tween.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 681)

start(index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Starts the tween running. Can also be called by the autoStart parameter of or Tween.from. This sets the Tween.isRunning property to true and dispatches a Tween.onStart signal. If the Tween has a delay set then nothing will start tweening until the delay has expired.

Name Type Argument Default Description
index number <optional>

If this Tween contains child tweens you can specify which one to start from. The default is zero, i.e. the first tween created.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 283)

stop(complete) → {Phaser.Tween}

Stops the tween if running and flags it for deletion from the TweenManager. If called directly the Tween.onComplete signal is not dispatched and no chained tweens are started unless the complete parameter is set to true. If you just wish to pause a tween then use Tween.pause instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
complete boolean <optional>

Set to true to dispatch the Tween.onComplete signal.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 339)

to(properties, duration, ease, autoStart, delay, repeat, yoyo) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets this tween to be a to tween on the properties given. A to tween starts at the current value and tweens to the destination value given. For example a Sprite with an x coordinate of 100 could be tweened to x 200 by giving a properties object of { x: 200 }. The ease function allows you define the rate of change. You can pass either a function such as Phaser.Easing.Circular.Out or a string such as "Circ". ".easeIn", ".easeOut" and "easeInOut" variants are all supported for all ease types.

Name Type Argument Default Description
properties object

An object containing the properties you want to tween, such as Sprite.x or Sound.volume. Given as a JavaScript object.

duration number <optional>

Duration of this tween in ms. Or if Tween.frameBased is true this represents the number of frames that should elapse.

ease function | string <optional>

Easing function. If not set it will default to Phaser.Easing.Default, which is Phaser.Easing.Linear.None by default but can be over-ridden.

autoStart boolean <optional>

Set to true to allow this tween to start automatically. Otherwise call Tween.start().

delay number <optional>

Delay before this tween will start in milliseconds. Defaults to 0, no delay.

repeat number <optional>

Should the tween automatically restart once complete? If you want it to run forever set as -1. This only effects this individual tween, not any chained tweens.

yoyo boolean <optional>

A tween that yoyos will reverse itself and play backwards automatically. A yoyo'd tween doesn't fire the Tween.onComplete event, so listen for Tween.onLoop instead.


This Tween object.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 189)

update(time) → {boolean}

Core tween update function called by the TweenManager. Does not need to be invoked directly.

Name Type Description
time number

A timestamp passed in by the TweenManager.

boolean -

false if the tween and all child tweens have completed and should be deleted from the manager, otherwise true (still active).

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 723)

updateTweenData(property, value, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Updates either a single TweenData or all TweenData objects properties to the given value. Used internally by methods like Tween.delay, Tween.yoyo, etc. but can also be called directly if you know which property you want to tweak. The property is not checked, so if you pass an invalid one you'll generate a run-time error.

Name Type Argument Default Description
property string

The property to update.

value number | function

The value to set the property to.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the delay on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 374)

yoyo(enable, yoyoDelay, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

A Tween that has yoyo set to true will run through from its starting values to its end values and then play back in reverse from end to start. Used in combination with repeat you can create endless loops. If you have not yet called or Tween.from at least once then this method will do nothing, as there are no tweens to yoyo. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the yoyo property across all of them. If you wish to yoyo this Tween and all of its children then see Tween.yoyoAll.

Name Type Argument Default Description
enable boolean

Set to true to yoyo this tween, or false to disable an already active yoyo.

yoyoDelay number <optional>

This is the amount of time to pause (in ms) before the yoyo will start.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set yoyo on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 463)

yoyoDelay(duration, index) → {Phaser.Tween}

Sets the delay in milliseconds before this tween will run a yoyo (only applies if yoyo is enabled). The repeatDelay is invoked as soon as you call Tween.start. If the tween is already running this method doesn't do anything for the current active tween. If you have not yet called or Tween.from at least once then this method will do nothing, as there are no tweens to set repeatDelay on. If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the repeatDelay across all of them.

Name Type Argument Default Description
duration number

The amount of time in ms that the Tween should wait until it repeats or yoyos once start is called. Set to zero to remove any active yoyoDelay.

index number <optional>

If this tween has more than one child this allows you to target a specific child. If set to -1 it will set the yoyoDelay on all the children.


This tween. Useful for method chaining.

Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 486)